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Hi! Thanks for this software and your work on this! Great Job!

I have some feedback.

The first thing would be to add detailed documentation about what things to take into consideration (file sizes, audio rate, etc).

I'm trying to open an Anim5 and an iff audio, but the audio doesn't play.  I don't know if it's a software bug (I don't think so) or if the audio is not the correct format (it's 8bit mono iff).

On the other hand, it would be nice if the player framerate could be set as the same as the animation being loaded, not always at 25. Also, I think it would be nice if it could support multi-palette animation files. Right now I'm opening an animation where each shot has a different palette, and during the whole animation only the palette of the first shot is used, so the rest of the shots look ugly.

I've tried using AnimPlayerProper to open this multi-palette animation, and yes, each shot has a different palette, as expected, but the animation plays slowly and some colors are not correct (although most are). 

Forgot to mention  that I'm using WinUAE, not real software. I've had several animations that I want to add audio to, but I can't find any software that does this. I found this software and it was all hype!!!

Thanks, I hope you keep updating it.


Hi! That's why I chose the player in two. In one case, the target would be the movie type, so I fix it to 25fps and it's also faster because it doesn't pay attention to anything other than decoding (not the palette). The "proper" version is slower but it handles changes (palette, sounds, fps...etc). If there is a delay between successive frames in the animation file (because without it it would just spin all the way through and that's it), then in principle the player uses it. Changing the palette also works, but it is problematic. The problem is that the palette is not done simultaneously with the decoding of the images. Unfortunately, there are two separate commands for this purpose in AMOS and both of them appear as immediate results, so either the image appears with a wrong palette and then the palette is updated, or the palette changes first and then the image. Regarding the sound, if it is integrated with the animation, you need so much more RAM. the audio rate/volume/ect is handled but I did not care to handle stereo files, sorry. if we load it from a separate file, could be streamed from hdd, it saves ram. In that case the audio limit is: mono 8bit max 22khz, basicly it is one audio chanel since I don't have the resources for mixing real time. I'll just send it out to an audio channel. Since animation editors sometimes use unique descriptors (chunks) within the file, playback problems may occur. If I have the appropriate description, I can incorporate what the development environment allows. The description is what I usually miss... or I can't find it. I am willing to continue modifying/experimenting with the player, but in this case it would be advisable to experiment with the animation in which the problem occurs.

HI, thx for great job. Can you tell about "Extension I" which is required to run the source code in Amos 2.0?  What is that and where I can find it.

Hi! I don't know, because there are several extensions (could be used) in it and I can't identify it based on that. But I have uploaded the source code in ASCII format, which can help You identify the command and thus the required extension as well.

very good

(1 edit)

Perfect! Now   I can  make cut-scenes for my game.  Thank You.  Donated.

very good

This is Daniel from
We have been reporting about your projects, so also about this:

May I ask what you have changed in this version? Thanks, Daniel

The previous version is a different program with a custom file format. Takes time to convert and because of the custom format  and loading technik.... Worked on winuae but it was unuseable on real hw. This one use the standard Iff anim format so it makes much easyer something to convert and useable on real hw. Not a miracle but faster. Compared to other players... It is capable of FF and RW playing ...with audio playback.

Thank you!!