Tale OF Evil
Tale Of Evil is an unofficial sequel of "Tower Of Evil" for the Commodore Amiga.
The Story:
Once upon a time there was a little girl, her name was Olivia. Like all strange children, Olivia loved to play in the nearby cemetery. It was here that she met the witch's cat Schrodinger, who went to the cemetery not to play, but to collect magic components as the witch's assistant. As days passed the witch watched the forming friendship with more and more jealously. One day she came to a terrible decision. She decided to put them both six feet, under the ground. Since the witch was not Schrodinger's first owner, he already had experience with mad scientists and poison capsules, so he managed to avoid his death, but sadly the little girl had no luck. Like all cats, Schrodinger moved easy between the world of the living and the dead. as a guardian of the underworld, he decided to bring Olivia back to the world of the living by collecting the little girl's remains and memories, and if only in the form of a ghost, they would take revenge on the witch together.
There are eight different terrains, each divided into 9 sections. The goal is to collect all the items on the map with Schrodinger (the cat), who cannot defend himself on his own. There are 6 objects in each area, when you have all 6 objects, you can go to the next through the portal (pentagram). Olivia comes to life by collecting the first 6 items. You can switch her to follow or stop with the fire button. She is not only able to shoot back at enemy creatures, but earthly projectiles don't affect her either, so Schrodinger can even hide behind her if necessary. She always attacks the closest monster to you. In case of injury, he can heal by catching the mice. They can get to the witch if they have already collected all 48 items. The witch can Summon monsters, and even Olivia can't neutralize her magical fire, so we can't hide behind her.
Crystal balls are only part of the story.
Olivia can be controlled by a second player if she is already 'alive'. You can take control of her by pressing the fire button on the second joy port.
Since the game did not prove to be easy, a level-code system was subsequently built in. The code is made up of a sequence of 3 symbols, which can be entered in the menu using the joystick. If the code is correct, we hear a cat's meow and the cat's eyes turn green. During the game, the codes are displayed in the magic sphere associated with the given area.
System Requirements: minimum ECS 1Mb ChipRam A500, but A1200 recommended.
(The HDD version contains exra gfx & music.)
Recommended: A1200 (HDD)
- The Game (adf & HDD)
- Source-code
- Soundtrack (Slideshow with stereo music)
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The password to the last level doesn't work. I checked a few times.
Thanks for the feedback!
"Since Schrodinger was not the witch's owner" is everything correct here?
Similar problems can be hidden here and there. Maybe the cat ran across the keyboard. :)
Corrected! thanks!
The in-game text will (soon) be correcred as well.
I think that the cat should have more powers. Cats are very good at killing snakes and birds. This should be possible. The only thing you can kill with the cat is the mice.
Sure, cats can defend themselves in real life, but this game isn't really about that kind of action.
This game heavily relies on a certain situational awareness, tactics and precise execution. The essence of the game (at least the action) is that you control (move/position) the cat and by doing that you can lead the girl into a position where she can protect you while you collect the artifacts (her memories). In a sense, she is your weapon and your shield.
By giving the cat the possibility to attack pushes the game more to an action category and the girl becomes pointless to be at your side. It would be a very different game.
Maybe in a possibly sequel there will be some changes in that direction.
Such a talented developer. Can you maybe think about a kind of "Runemaster 3" game (a board game) would be awesome!
We allready have a huge list with upcoming projects! :) Hard to follow!
This seems fun and I like the atmosphere! However I run into a repeatable error with my setup (A500 PAL, 1mb chip, ACA500+ expansion board). both the Floppy and HDD versions crash after I die and restart once. After dying and restarting, the cat is not displayed, just the blank cemetary playfield, and then the game crashes. I am sure it relates to my setup since others are not reporting this issue. THanks!
i have seen similar issues on fs-uae that has some cuatom rom (other than te original). what version is your kick-rom?
Thanks ! KS 40.63 WB 40.42
Can you try it with an "older" ROM (possibly 1.3 - 3.1)? As i know You can do this with a software (don't have to disassemble anything).
Sorry! I know that it is not te best solution, but we can't test it on all the possible HW.
The SDK we use are comes from the A500 era. Amigas (HW, kick, accel..) comes after that should be backward compatible but (sometimes) that's not the case. :S
email adress :)
mail: laszlosoveny@gmail.com
please could i have an address so i can contact you? Thank you
Very good, but difficult game. The graphics, title and cutscenes in particular look very professional and the atmospheric soundtrack fits the gameplay very well. Our German-language review can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 02:34:03. English subtitles are also available. Subscription to our YouTube and Twitch channel is welcome. 🙂
Great game with great music, thank you. I also included it in my new "Gameplay of New Amiga Games from October 2024" video, in addition to the other Amiga games released in October.
Just published our impressions of the game over on the UK Gaming Network YouTube channel. Keep up the good work!
Does the HDD or CD32 version work on the mini? I'd like to have the lovely music when I play this.
I do not own one. But our other projects are not so different and I saw a few on A500 mini, so it should work.
Looks cool! One request, could you please post an lha version for those of us with wb installs?
Thanks a lot!
I playthrough the game with about 20 attemp , here is the longplay ,
The game crashed for me after killed the witch , so I get the end picture and music in DirectoryOpus 4.I'm sorry for the end, even though in the current testing, no error occurred at the end. :( Would You let me know what could have caused it if You have any specific error message or something? If there is any closer clue, I would be happy to know.
Also, thanks for the videos, I was able to filter out a couple of mistakes from it (e.g. the eyeballs shouldn't move, but it still happened ) And although it wasn't a mistake, OlÃvia won't attack mice from now on. And the rain at the end, you turned it off when you went back to the portal, even though that shouldn't have happened.
It is ok but no specific error message coming up only quit to workbench. I played with A1200 settings on winuae, like I have played many other Amiga games with no problems , Interesting game anyway and good work with it.
I like it! Only criticism I think the cat should have some sort of jumping or scratching ability and something to indicate the health points. 4/5 Star Rating
jumping is good. maybe next time.
if the cat can attack or defend itself, thats changing the whole game logic by a lot (olivia can become pintless).
healthpoints are allready indicate in the right lower corner (paw/claws). this cat has 5 lives! :-)
Nice game to play on the Halloween night!
FYI: The ADF version won't boot on A1200, but will on A500.
on emulator or real hw? exact config? (kick-rom?)
Thanks for this piece of software.
Lugubre, terrificante e riuscita atmosfera horror.
Good work!
I need a little help with emulation, for me all 3 versions end up with guru meditation. Where was I wrong?
I don't know your confif!
My quess is the rom (possibly).
example: fsuae uses an unlicenced kicstart and with that it can not run (freezes at the game start).
Try a different config (standard A1200 should work)!
I tried several emulated configs, with the adfs, it ends with workbench prompt. But I can use the hdd folder, even on steam deck.
The program is capable of running in real '80s hardware. So i think the issue is probably in the meulation. There are a lot of possibility. I still don't know your config!
What rom are you using and what emulator, os some new age gadget maybe?
my cat seems to like the saberman video very much , doesnt seem to react to the ai generated parts tho, and makes me wonder, is the music as well ? ahnever mind you answered that already :)
(some minutes later) Okay, well i can appreciate you dont put a forced pricetag to it and i can confirm all 3 work fine on a mister FPGA, i bet kids would love it too. Ganbarre
Every of our games are (and will be) free for all to enjoy. :)
thats what google said back when yahoo was a thing ,-)
looking forward to it then
Very cool game. Love its music. Thanks! :)
Cool game and great music. Thank you.
This really made my Day. Thank you so very much Black Sheep !
Greetings & thanks also from my younger daughter;
she loves this Game !
I am glad to hear!
I also have two little witches singing that song! :)
Great stuff !!!
This is something I would LOVE to have boxed!
it would be good, but not exactly in the focus right now! :S
We want to release 2-3 more games in the next weeks. (i hope we can do t.) And after that i want to finally finishing Project-Horizon, that is hanging on the shelf too long.
Are there any floppys existing these days? :)
Todays physical Amiga games are usually released on USB sticks or SD cards. Project Horizon you say? I am waiting for it for ages still hoping it will come one day!
Very nice game!